Putting cap hpi data to the test

Methodology used to produce the results has been developed with expert support from the University of Leeds Institute for Transport Studies – an independent body from cap hpi.

There’s mileage in paying for accurate data.

Whichever way you cut the facts, you can make more money using cap hpi values.

To prove it we tested our data against three different competitors and the results show that dealers, large and small, benefit financially from more accurate data.

Look at the examples below.

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Small independent dealers

If your dealership is larger, scroll down for more examples.

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Did you know…

60% of vehicles are valued within 10% of the trade selling price at cap hpi, compared with 48% using data from other providers.

Take a closer look at the stats

Do these figures relate to my own business?

We’ve only shown you a small number of examples

Each dealer is different. Put us to the test to see how we can make you more money. We can compare:

How do we know this is true?

cap hpi approached the Leeds Business School for Transport Studies to analyse the method we used to come to our findings.

This is an independent, academic body, with no affiliation to cap hpi. The data scientists at the business school were asked to analyse our methodology and approach.

This was to ensure that not only the data was statistically fair and viable, but that the methodology would result in a fair and accurate comparison of the data across all 4 competitors.

What our customers say

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Wait! 1 in 3 vehicles have something to hide!

Stop yourself getting caught out use an HPI check
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