lcv chooser

lcv chooser from cap hpi has been developed in close consultation with commercial vehicle specialists. It is an online configuration tool that allows you to quickly select and compare the specification of light commercial vehicles based on end user requirements.

What does lcv chooser do?

lcv chooser gives you the flexibility to select and compare light commercial vehicles, so you can quickly match any customer requirements. Using cap hpi’s comprehensive datasets, the full technical and specification data is clearly displayed, together with the finer details such as VAT and vehicle excise duty.

Once you have a short list of vehicles you can choose which data fields to export, as either an Excel file or PDF document.

What type of business needs lcv chooser?

Fleet, Leasing and Rental. Dealerships and Traders. Manufacturers



“This is a fantastic tool that my team can use with ease. You don’t need to be a commercial vehicle expert to use it and it’s great for those with less experience. lcv chooser greatly assists in helping to match the right van with the customer and saves valuable time in collating information that we used to get from various sources. The quality of data is second to none”

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